The launching of the M.I. in the United Kingdom

The launching of the M.I. in the United Kingdom

The District of Great Britain and Scandinavia has not had a branch of the original Militia Immaculata for very many years, if there was a presence at all. If ever there was a branch, it withered after the imposition of changed Statutes following the Second Vatican Council.

Towards the closing stages of Fr. Paul Morgan’s period of tenure as District Superior he invited Fr. Karl Stehlin to give a talk on the Militia Immaculata at the SSPX Chapel of St. Anne in Leicester,
and that talk inspired the writer to explore how to become a Knight of the Immaculata — but it was not possible at that time.

Shortly after the arrival of Fr. Robert Brucciani as the new District Superior of the U.K. in August 2015, he was asked if it would be possible to establish a branch in the U.K. and he readily agreed to investigate. A webpage giving an outline of the Militia was built into the website for the U.K. District. Enrolment certificates were printed, and on 19th June 2016

Fr. Brucciani began the long task of visiting 30 FSSPX Chapels and Mass Centres throughout his District with the intention of giving inspirational sermons and conducting enrolments at each one.

So far, he has visited 8 of the 30 Chapels & Mass Centres, and 209 of the faithful have enrolled as Knights of the Immaculata.

Already, those with email addresses have received their first email containing Fr. Stehlin’s Father Director Letter #2 which includes the prayer for the Intercession of St. Maximilian Kolbe.
Fr. Brucciani would like to see all of the faithful in the District become Knights of the Militia Immaculatae, and it is possible by the grace of God and with the intercession of the Immaculata that he will have visited all 30 Chapels and Mass Centres by April of 2017 in time for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Militia by Fr. Maximilian Kolbe.
Howard Toon


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