The New Knights in Katowice (Poland)

The New Knights in Katowice (Poland)

wyrozniajacyOn the 7th of May, 2019, on the feast of Our Lady the Mediatrix of All Graces, the director of the M.I., Fr. Karl Stehlin gave a conference in Katowice about The Immaculate — Salvation in our times. The Message of Fatima today. The conference room in which Fr. Stehlin was hosted once again, was full to the eaves. The lecture was attended by about 100 people.

He briefly explained the concept of the “Last Times” in which we live. He presented the crisis in the Church and its causes. He did it in an extremely vivid way, familiarizing the audience with the Christianitas Age and showing the various processes of the revolution, which within the Church and the society, have led to the extremely tragic contemporary situation. The speaker proved that the only salvation in the face of the prevailing threats is to turn to Our Lady as the Mediatrix of All Graces. She is the one who allows us to preserve the spirit of Catholicism and rebuild Christian life. Returning to her and leading an inner life with the Rosary, we can oppose the omnipresent cultural liberalism and the religious modernism.

The beautiful culmination of the lecture of Father Karl Stehlin was the acceptance of 14 new Knights into the ranks of the M.I. Before the ceremony, Father Stehlin reminded us that the sacrament of Confirmation made us the warriors of Christ, and the Knights of the Immaculate are the tools in HER hands to save souls before eternal damnation.

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