„The Blessed Virgin promises the obtainment of eternal life to those who wear the Scapular. We are concerned, namely, with that which is of supreme importance to all”
Pope Pius XII.
Origin of the Scapular of Mount Carmel

The most Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to St. Simon Stock, the superior general of the Carmelite Order, on the 16th of July, 1251. She held a Scapular in her hand and spoke thus:
“Take this Scapular, my dear son. Whosoever dies wearing it shall not suffer eternal fire.” It shall be a sign of salvation, a protection in danger and a pledge of peace.”
The Carmelite order originated in the 12th century on Mount Carmel in the Holy Land. According to tradition, Maria made a pilgrimage with the Child Jesus to this mountain. As the Prophet Elias prayed for rain, after a three year drought, a small cloud rose up over the sea which grew ever larger and finally brought the long desired rain. Elias saw therein a sign of the promised Virgin, who was to bring the promised Redeemer. Since that time there were hermits on Mount Carmel, praying for the coming of the Redeemer. For that reason, ever since the beginning, the Carmelite order has been under the special protection of Mary.
The Promises of the Scapular

When we wear the Scapular faithfully, the following is promised to us:
- Mary protects us in dangers.
- Mary promises us salvation.
- Mary comes to our aid in Purgatory.
The Catholic Church officially approved of this gift of Our Lady and elevated it to a sacramental for all of the faithful. Heaven confirmed it time and time again by miracles of conversion and protection in great afflictions of body and soul.
The Scapular is a sign of our belonging to and love for our heavenly Mother. We may firmly believe she will grant us the grace of conversion, and accordingly, of perseverance to the end, and so get us through the narrow gates of heaven. It would be presumption, however, to wear the garment of Our Lady without proper disposition, to imitate her in the way of God’s commandments and the virtues.
The Sabbatine Privilege
In 1317, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Pope John XXII and promised him that she would comfort in Purgatory those who wear her Scapular, and that she would free them from hence as soon as possible, preferably on Saturday.
This privilege as well has always been confirmed by the popes up until our times.
The Conditions

The Scapular consists of two brown rectangular pieces of woven wool, connected by two strips, so that it is worn on the breast and back. The first investiture (enrolment) must be done by a priest with the prayers of the Roman Ritual. By this ceremony, one becomes a member of the Scapular Confraternity, and shares in the merits of the Carmelite order. If it wears out, one can replace it on his own, whereby the blessing is always carried over to the new Scapular.
For the Sabbatine Privilege, besides the wearing of the Scapular, the following conditions are added:
1. Practice chastity according to one’s state in life.
2. Daily recitation of the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin or abstaining from meat on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Any priest may change this condition to some other good work (e.g. daily recitation of the rosary), if there is sufficient reason.
The Scapular may also be given to non-Catholics, but they cannot become members of the Scapular Confraternity by the investiture (enrolment) ceremony. That is, they don’t enjoy all of the promises. We may, however, trust that she, under whose mantel they place themselves, will grant them the necessary grace of conversion. Numerous examples have shown this.
In cases of necessity, a lay person may invest himself or another in a Scapular which has already been blessed, while saying a prayer to Our Lady.
The Scapular Medal
Pope Pius X allowed, upon request from missionaries, that the Scapular, after one has been invested in it, may be replaced by a blessed, Scapular Medal. This, above all, considering the climate of the missionary countries or for those who can’t wear the cloth scapular for some other serious reason. In the same decree however, he explicitly desired the cloth scapular to be retained and said later: “I wear the cloth Scapular. Let us never take it off.”
Pope Benedict XV reinforced this still more by granting an indulgence of 500 days for the kissing of the cloth Scapular.
Fatima and the Scapular

During the last apparition in Fatima on the 13th of October, 1917, Mary showed herself as Our Lady of Mount Carmel, holding the Scapular. Sister Lucia, one of the three little seers, said later:
“Our Lady wishes all the faithful to wear the Scapular!”
Pope Pius XII explained: “May the wearer of the Scapular see in this garment, the expression of the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which We have so strongly recommended.”
Take advantage of this gift of mercy from Our Lady and have a priest enrol you in the Scapular with the prayers of the Roman Ritual. The Feast of the Holy Scapular on the 16th of July is a beautiful day for this ceremony.
You can order a Scapular and a brochure with a summary of the most important information here.