The True freedom

The True freedom

Engl 0000295In the glorious state of His Resurrection, Jesus Christ must be considered, more than ever, as the Prince of Freedom.

Our Lord was never subject to, nor dependent upon, this imprisonment with creatures that we have, because it is the mark of imperfection. Creatures made no impression on his soul, except what he allowed them to make. Noise did not distract him unless he wanted it to and for the purpose of showing us what to do and how to react. None of the objects in his imagination and mind moved him except in as much as he wanted. Insults did not touch him. Nothing prevented him from doing whatever he pleased. In His glorious state, He is entirely freed from the slave condition that He chose to take on to show us His love, and since His Resurrection He no longer needs the sun for light, nor food for sustenance. His human nature is now impassive and above the reach of all creatures. And it is this state of unique and true glory and freedom that He wants to give to us and to share with us.
We have the certainty and living proof of this in Mary Immaculate.
Her body, similar to ours, apart from original sin, was always truly free to choose between the good and the better, and she used it for the better in view of our salvation. The creatures around her were, as with ourselves, placed at her disposal. However, she only used them with prudence, moderation, and perfect control of her body. She was not yet glorified and, like us, did not have, the beatific vision, but pure and simple Faith. She transformed all our subjection and contingencies, all our necessities and dependencies into a means of union with God. Through self-giving, she built our springboard to heaven.
It is for this reason that the man who seeks his freedom, the nations and peoples who so ardently desire today this total liberation, will find it nowhere outside the Resurrected Prince of Peace and through Mary Immaculate.
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