Towards Fatima 2017 in OLVC School in Manila

Towards Fatima 2017 in OLVC School in Manila

The goal is to increase devotion to the Immaculate Heart through the message of Our Lady of Fatima by making each child and teacher an apostle of Fatima as were the original three heroic children, Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta. news733bThe means is to thoroughly imbue child and teacher with the message of Fatima so as to penetrate the mystery and to live it. For this reason every morning at the lineup was explained part of the message of Fatima. Heavy emphasis is placed on the need for each to recite the five decades of the Rosary daily as well as sacrifices for the conversion of sinners, for reparation for the sins against the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts as well as the wearing of the scapular and miraculous medal. Not only is there the need to know but the need to do. We wish to share with all our program for this.

Monthly Program
September 2016 — Consecration of School to Immaculate Heart of Mary on September 12. Each class had to present an image of Our Lady of Fatima with one of the quotes from Our Lady or the Angel and this is in the classrooms. Presentations of plays based on apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima.
news733eOctober 2016 — Month of Holy Rosary, begin pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady visits one classroom per week. The statue of Our Lady of Fatima was transferred by procession carried by priest accompanied by teachers and students into a classroom with prepared altar with flower, candles and continuously burning votive lamp. The Rosary is recited with teachers and students ending with Fatima prayers and the ejaculatory prayers and ending with a blessing from the priest.
November 2016 — Presentation of play “Our Lady of Fatima” presented to faithful of Our Lady of Victories Church.
January 2017 — To solemnize the beginning of this Jubilee year of 2017 (100 years since the apparitions of Fatima and the foundation of the M.I.) the entire student body and teachers and some parents made a procession every morning for nine consecutive mornings. The Veni Creator was intoned by the priest vested in cope, followed by the incensing of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima and then the procession around the school while reciting the first part of the Holy Rosary.

Daily Program
news733fEvery Morning — attendance at Holy Mass and Communion of Reparation. Lineup — Points given on apparitions of Fatima for a practical application.
The Holy Rosary is a very simple beautiful prayer that takes 20 minutes. It can be difficult to find a 20 minute block in the school day but also for the attention span of the children (especially the little ones) is rather short. In order to alleviate this we split up the Rosary into four different times which serves to also reminder to live in the presence of Our Lady during the day.
Before the start of first class period — first part of rosary and first decade with petitions followed by prayers of Fatima. After morning recreation — 2nd decade. After lunch — 3rd decade. After afternoon recreation — 4th and 5th decade.
I might add that our high school boys pray also the five decades in the evening in order to increase for the Rosary Crusade.
It has been noted by many that there are not very many schools in the world where both teachers and students and parents benefit from so many blessings by having the benefit of the Holy Mass everyday but also the recitation of the Holy Rosary on a daily basis.

I wish many blessings during this special Jubilee Year of Fatima and the M.I.

Fr. Peter Fortin


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