Ceremony of the M.I. in Warsaw

Ceremony of the M.I. in Warsaw

On December 8th, the main feast day of the Militia of the Immaculate, a ceremony was held in the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin in Warsaw to admit new people into the M.I. The ceremony was followed by a short talk by the director of the M.I., Fr. Karol Stehlin, who explained to the candidates how important it is for every Catholic to join the Militia Immaculatae and to participate in the Knighthood of the Immaculata. By becoming a Knight, we become instruments in the hand of Our Lady herself. Instruments in the struggle for the salvation of the souls of our neighbours, through which we fulfil the most important commandment, that of loving God and neighbour.

The meeting was attended by the new candidates to the M.I. and the old Knights who renewed their act of consecration to the Immaculate.

The Militia of the Immaculate is strengthened by 37 knights.

Let us pray that they may zealously spread devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and be good instruments to lead souls to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the hands of Our Lady.

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