Prayer for Fr. Stehlin, Director of M.I.

Prayer for Fr. Stehlin, Director of M.I.

12 stehlinDear fellow Knights,
Thank you so much for all your prayers and sacrifices in the prayer crusade.
This important year of 2017 on 30th January, Fr Stehlin turns 55.
As he continues with his indefatigable zeal and sacrifices for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the salvation of so many of us ungrateful and unworthy wretches, we would like to invite you to join us in gently storming heaven for the graces, fortitude and also physical health necessary for him to lead us , knights of the Militia Immaculatae and all his priests, faithful in this battle.
We, faithful from all over the world, are already midway through a simple spiritual preparation of novenas of rosaries, litanies and perpetual prayers .
We would like to invite you to join us too.

A simple 3 Aves anytime from the 27th to the 29th .Obviously the more the better- rosaries, litanies as Fr. himself always says: in the measure you put in, the more you receive.

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