YEAR 2023

- During Advent (in 2022) and Lent (in 2023) the Director of the M.I., Fr. Karl Stehlin preached recollections conferences in a few chapels in Poland (Zaczernie, Jarosław, Częstochowa, Wrocław, Nowy Sącz, Radom, Kielce. There were several guiding themes during the retreat: for example “Renew everything in Christ through the Immaculate”, and “Be a Knight of the Immaculate”. The fruit of the retreats in several chapels was the enrollment of more than 300 new Knights into the Militia Immaculatæ.
- More and more the M.I. Corners are being created in the chapels, at which are presented the publications of the Militia Immaculatæ. A well-stocked corner allows Knights, faithful and, above all, newcomers, easy access to good literature. Knights can distribute books, brochures, and flyers — and thus fulfil an active part of the ideal of he M.I. In the chapels, newcomers, who have become more and more numerous in recent months, learn about traditional literature and the activities and thoughts of St. Maximilian. And then they inform their circles about Tradition and the ideals of the Founder of the M.I. In this M.I. Corners in the chapels in the world way more people can get to know and love the Immaculate, for whom St. Maximilian lived and breathed.
YEAR 2022
On December 8th, the main feast of the Militia of the Immaculate, a ceremony took place in the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin in Warsaw to enrol 37 new knights in the M.I. and to renew the official acts of consecration to the Immaculata. For more information…
On October 5th 2022, the faithful of Częstochowa and the surrounding area had the opportunity to listen to a lecture by Father Karl Stehlin. To find out more…
MAY 2022
- Pilgrimage 2022 : For nearly 250 years, pregnant women, large families, as well as married couples wishing to have children have come here on pilgrimage so, at the end of the beautiful month of May, dedicated to the Most Holy Virgin Mary, some 80 knights walked to the Matemblewo shrine in Poland, in the Gdańsk region, taking advantage on their 25 km journey to distribute one hundred Miraculous Medals with the leaflet. One of the purposes of this pilgrimage is also to make acts of reparation for the sins committed against the divine Maternity of Mary as requested by Our Lady of Fatima. To know more…
- May 5th, in Opole, the Marian month of May began very significantly: with the Holy Mass and the ceremony of receiving the new Knights. The faithful described this day as extraordinary and full of graces. Father Karl Stehlin accepted 45 people into the Knights of the Immaculata (Militia Immaculatæ).
APRIL 2022
- Father Karol Stehlin accepted 9 people, including two children, into the Knighthood of Mary Immaculate in Białystok during Easter.
- April 2nd and 3rd, 2022 after the lecture and the Holy Mass, the ceremony of admission to the Immaculate Knighthood took place for 31 new Knights.
- The next day, Sunday, April 3, 2022, Fr. Karol celebrated Mass in Bielsko-Biała, where the SSPX chapel is being built. For the first time in Bielsko-Biała, the ceremony of admission to the M.I. – 21 people took part in it.
MARCH 2022
- On the 12th of March Fr. Anzelm Ettelt enrolled 13 people into the Militia Immaculatæ in Nowy Sącz. The ceremony took place at the end of the Lenten retreat. At present, there are about 100 Knights in Nowy Sącz, which certainly contributes to the constant increase of the number of faithful of the Society of Pius X in Nowy Sącz.
- March 5, 2022 during the Lenten retreat : During this time of meditation on the sufferings of Our Lady at the foot of the Cross, some 38 souls were touched by grace and enrolled in the Militia Immaculatæ.
February 7, 2022
Opening of a Telegram channel for the Polish language: to subscribe, follow this linkpour s’abonner, suivre ce lien
YEAR 2021
December 8th, 2021
On December 8th, for the feast of the Militia Immaculatæ, a ceremony was held in the church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Warsaw, to receive new 29 Knights of the M.I.
The ceremony was preceded by a short lecture by Fr. Piotr Świerczek on the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The meeting was attended both by candidates for the M.I. and Knights who renewed their act of consecration to Mary Immaculate.
Preparations for Christmas in Warsaw:
Every Sunday at the end of the masses at the International Center there is a special sale of the MI presenting rosaries; Nativity scenes; crib; greeting cards; rosaries…for Christmas gifts.
October and november 2021

The number of Knights of the Immaculate is increasing in Poland. In October and November last year, Fr. Karol Stehlin received 43 new Knights: 16 in Suwałki and 27 in Zamość.
From the 1st to the 8th of November, the Knights distributed two folders to the people in the cemeteries: on the last things and on the souls in purgatory. Many accepted the folders with gratitude and interest.
In addition, the Knights distribute Miraculous Medals and folders in parishes where priests agree to this apostolate. One of the Knights asked priests in six parishes to speak about the Miraculous Medal during the sermon on Sunday (the 28th of November). They all agreed.
Each of them spoke at the sermon about the apparitions of Our Lady at the Rue du Bac and about the Miraculous Medal itself. After each Mass, Miraculous Medals and our brochures were available for those interested.
The same Knights gave the medals and folders to catechists to teach a lesson on the Miraculous Medal in all the classes of two elementary schools. The catechists readily agreed and conducted the lessons in connection with the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (the 27th of November).
Initiative of the faithful from Jastrzębie Zdrój (Poland)
A group of Catholic Tradition lead a public prayer of the Rosary every first Friday of the month in Jastrzębie Zdrój. They are spiritually united with the faithful and Father Łukasz Szydłowski who gathered at the same time in front of the Arch cathedral of Christ the King in Katowice.
They also organised a kind of counter-demonstration to the march of LGBT in Wodzisław Śląski, reciting the rosary in Latin. This initiative was complemented by Gregorian chants broadcast through a megaphone. Many in habitants of Wodzisław joined the group of our faithful.
Furthermore, on the feast of Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn (the 16th of November 2021), under the leadership of Father Szydłowski, the above mentioned group of faithful prayed the Rosary for peace on the borders of the Republic of Poland and for the moral renewal of the Polish nation. The prayer also had a propitiatory character for all profanations and blasphemies.
YEAR 2020
One year later, on August 14, 2020, as the pandemic was underway, the National Moderator of Poland, Father David, enlisted 19 new Knights at the end of the pilgrimage.
Here is the harvest of workers that the Immaculate Conception harvested throughout the year 2020-2021 in Poland despite the drastic conditions of confinement:
On February 10, 2020, at the end of the Montfort retreats, Father Karl Stehlin enrolled 14 new knights.
From June 29 to July 5, Father Stehlin enrolled under the banner of the Immaculata: 22 knights from Milówka, 19 knights from Jastrzębie-Zdrój, 15 knights from Chorzów, 37 knights from Wrocław, 34 knights from Krakow, 44 Knights of Nowy Sącz. In total: 171 souls
For the months of September to November, a new trip with new recruits: 38 knights from Zaczernie, 29 knights from Gdynia, 57 knights from Wrocław, and 14 knights from Olsztyn.
On December 8, 2020, Father Stehlin organized a small conference on the M.I. attended by 60 knights, 43 of whom made their engagement for the first time.
New enrolment from June 29 to July 5, 2020:
New commitments from September to November 2020:
New commitments during Lenten retreats:
- Creation of the M.I. 2 – Krakow whose first meeting took place on the first Saturday of February 2020 and which now meets every first Saturday of the month. At Calvary or in the small oratories near their homes, the knights organized small prayer groups, the time of a rosary.
- Creation of the M.I. 2 – Chorzów whose first meeting took place in December 2020. Its purpose is the dissemination of the Marian publications of the M.I. throughout this region and the deepening of spiritual and Marian life.
- Creation of MI 2 – Warsaw: two groups one for young people and one for young people Their aim is to learn how to build bonds of friendship, to develop their Marian life and to actively prepare apostolic material (kit of the Miraculous Medal, panel of leaflets…) which will be distributed by all the knights in the month. A meal ends the meeting.
YEAR 2019
On July 13, 2019 (anniversary of the 3rd Apparition of Our Lady at Fatima), Father Karl Stehlin enrolled 11 young Knights into the Militia Immaculatæ.
On May 7, 2019, the Feast of Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces, the Director of the MI Fr. Karl Stehlin gave a lecture in Katowice on The Immaculate – Salvation in Our Time. The Message of Fatima today and enrolled 14 new Knights into the ranks of the M.I.
From April 12 to 14, 2019, in the chapel of St. Joseph in Poznań, a Lenten retreat preached by Rev. Karl Stehlin. At the end of the retreat (on Palm Sunday) the director of the M.I. Traditional Observance, after renewing the act of consecration to the Mother of God by the Knights present, welcomed 36 new members.
After the Advent recollection, Father Karl Stehlin enrolled 93 Knights in the Militia Immaculatæ. He preached a retreat in three chapels in Poland: Warsaw, Lublin and Chorzów.
YEAR 2018
From May 24 to May 27, Father Karl Stehlin, director of the M.I. visited Poland, country of Saint Maximilian. He attended the M.I. meeting and enrolled 42 new Knights.
On March 3, 2018, the first Saturday of the month, Father Łukasz Szydłowski SSPX enrolled 6 people into the Militia Immaculatæ in the SSPX Chapel in Chorzów.
YEAR 2017
On Saturday, May 20, 2017, the 2nd Polish National Congress of the Militia of the Immaculate was held at the SSPX Priory in Warsaw. Father Krzysztof Gołębiewski, head of Polish MI, celebrated Mass and gave two lectures on the Immaculata and her role in salvation. During this day, more than 120 new knights from all over Poland came together. The Militia Immaculatae in Poland gained 16 new members.
Father Christopher Gołębiewski, priest of the M.I. from Poland, organized days of recollection for members of the Militia Immaculatæ. The Immaculate Militia has 1 new Knight in Gdynia, 10 — in Warsaw, 1 — in Krakow, 8 — in Rzeszow.
YEAR 2016
From November 11 to 13, Father Karl Stehlin, director of the Militia Immaculatae, visited three chapels in Poland (homeland of Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe) and accepted 143 new Knights: 40 new Knights in Poznan (Poznań); 17 new knights in Krakow (Cracow) and 86 knights in Warsaw (Warszawa).
YEAR 2000
Establishment of the M.I.: May 6, 2000
Number of Knights: 3300
Number of M.I. Coins: 20
Number of groups of M.I. 2: 4