Each knight will find here a small chronology of the M.I. in his country.
If you see missing information, please contact us by email.
Countries are organized in alphabetical order (under construction. Thank you for your patience)
Presence of the M.I in the world
122,000 Knights present in the world and scattered in 66 countries
North America:
▶ Canada
▶ United-States
Central America :
▶ Mexico
▶ Guatemala
▶ Nicaragua
▶ Honduras
▶ Costa Rica
South America:
▶ Colombia
▶ Brazil
▶ Peru
▶ Paraguay
▶ Chile
▶ Uruguay
▶ Argentina
▶ Poland
▶ France
▶ Germany
▶ Belgium
▶ Netherlands
▶ Spain▶ UK
▶ Ireland
▶ Norway
▶ Sweden
▶ Denmark
▶ Czech Republic
▶ Slovakia
▶ Hungary
▶ Austria
▶ Switzerland
▶ Croatia
▶ Italy
▶ Lithuania
▶ Latvia
▶ Estonia
▶ Belarus
▶ Ukraine
▶ Russia
▶ Nigeria
▶ Ghana
▶ Gabon
▶ Kenya
▶ South AfricaAsia:
▶ China
▶ India
▶ Sri Lanka
▶ Thailand
▶ Vietnam
▶ Malaysia
▶ Indonesia
▶ Singapore
▶ Japan
▶ South Korea
▶ Philippines
▶ Arab Emirates
▶ Lebanon
▶ Kuwait
▶ Turkey
Oceania :
▶ Australia
▶ New Zealand
▶ Vanuatu
▶ Fiji
▶ New Caledonia
Knights around the world